Research and performance residencies
Basile Dinbergs
Qui ne peut regarder à ses pieds marche trop vite
17.09 — 01.10
– As part of a two-week research residency at Espace 3353, Basile Dinbergs reinterprets and re-enacts a habit.
While he has been developing an active and almost daily practice of collecting for several years, this quasi-archive of objects and thoughts has become over time a series of “micro-museums of the ordinary”.
At 3353, Basile changes the format of this practice and makes it public through two performances. The proposal is an essay around gleaning, gathering and collecting as a dialogue practice.
“When you are looking for something, it is better to stay still and observe, than to run without looking.” –
Jony Valado
01.10 — 15.10
In the continuation of his research on the relationship of beings with the weight of things (material, tangible or invisible) Jony Valado proposes a form of personal anthology of his relationship to weight, as well as slightly burlesque techniques to succeed in carrying what weighs us down.
Between a critique of modernity and a performative experimentation, the proposal aims to explore the relationships between human and donkey, to understand the way matter transits (or is transported) and comes to trigger inequalities.
“To dance the slow waltz of my peasant grandparents, from the fields to their houses. Spitting olive pits as far as possible. Putting on wooden clogs, slamming them on the ground and imitating the donkey. Shouting in Portuguese, explaining myself in French, exposing myself in English. On all fours, I tell some stories… on my back, a stone. It crushes me! Glued to the ground, I move each of my buttocks to the rhythm of a kind of flamenco and then I invoke the spirit of the donkey that inhabits me.” –
With the participation of Meryl Schmalz & Basile Dinbergs
Cecilia Moya Rivera
I’m still analfabeta
10.10 — 04.11
– Language is central to Cecilia Moya Rivera’s artistic, writing and research practice, and is understood as a lexical form, a historical witness and a source of power. Placing language at the center of research and its often collective artistic transpositions, Cecilia Moya Rivera treats the notion of polyphony as a subject and as a methodology. In her work, she researches and exposes the traces of colonialism in language and her performance, exhibition and publication projects propose ways of remembering, collectively, with words.
As part of her residency at 3353, Cecilia Moya Rivera will propose two performative formats, considering the sharing of language as an act of love. –
« ¿te duelen las palabras?
Do the words hurt you?
¿cuál es mi lengua materna si la que tenía me la robaron en 1492?
What is my mother tongue if the one I had was kidnapped in 1492? »
d’humeur à détester / d’humeur à lâcher deux trois je t’aime
05.11 — 19.11
– jpp works with text and words, and spatializes them through sound installations, videos and publications. Her work draws directly from the everyday and flushes out the non-events that punctuate it. Her writing practice gives a poetic form to these micro-situations that take place in interpersonal relationships, in or off-line. Always anchored in a perspective of questioning the relationships of domination, the stories written and told by jpp are as many ways of theorizing the daily life and of apprehending the intimate as eminently political.
Her recent projects reflect a deep interest in and work on the languages of love. For the opening of her two-week residency at Espace 3353, jpp invites the public to come and meet various textual, sonic and visual materials present in her ongoing research on expressions of love and the eternal quest to express it honestly. –